Sorry, but that is the honest truth. I was very fortunate that that my breast cancer was caught very early...Stage 0. After my lumpectomy still showed cancer on every margin, I decided to "retire" both of the girls. A tough decision, especially since my daughter was a senior in high school and all the amazing things I THOUGHT I was going to miss. Thankfully, just a few short weeks after my surgery, I was able to resume being Band President, PTA Volunteer, Varsity Soccer Mom and Senior Events Director. Yep, I was part of it all. (If you are facing this diagnosis, please contact me. I've been there and I've got the T-shirt that says, "Yes they're fake, the real ones tried to kill me.")
After discovering the cause of cancer is only 5-10% from gene defects and that 90-95% is within our control, I began cleaning out the harmful toxins in our house.
The air inside of your home is 5-7% more toxic than the outside air.
Take a look in your kitchen, bathroom and laundry cabinets and try to read the labels on your cleaners. (And be aware, that companies do not have to disclose every chemical contained in the container.) The Think Dirty app can scan a UPC label on any product to help you make educated purchasing decisions.
After I did the 3 cabinet challenge, I replaced every toxic cleaner UNDER MY KITCHEN SINK with Thieves Household Cleaner which is plant based, oil infused and free of harmful chemicals. Now I make my own cleaning wipes, household cleaning spray and wood floor cleaner and they average $1.00 a bottle and only takes me a few minutes to make. I use Thieves hand soap, dishwashing soap, and soap for the dishwasher. And now when I clean my house, wash my hands or dishes, I get infused with clove, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus therapeutic essential oils. The combination of these oils help support my immune system.
My BATHROOM CABINET has been transformed too. I make my own essential oil deodorant and Lavender make-up remover pads (which literally cost pennies to make.) I use Lavender and Mint shampoo and conditioner, body wash, and body lotion. And since our mouth is one of the biggest absorbers of the body, I use Thieves toothpaste and mouthwash.
In the LAUNDRY ROOM, I now use dryer balls and add essential oils to them because dryer sheets top the toxic product list. I have oil infused laundry detergent and stain remover too.
Every oil that I use, is a chemical I’m not using.
Not all of us want to compete in an Ironman, much less 50 Ironmans. But all of us want to live a life of wellness. Young Living products will help you meet the challenges of each day. And who knows, you just might be the next Ironwoman!