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Acct #3358037
There is Oil in the House of the Wise. ~ Proverbs 21:20
Click on the Podcast image above and hear how Sarah Harnisch cured her headaches with diet and continued to increase her wellness with Young Living Essential Oils.
Click on the PDF document above for my Young Living Essential Oils 101 Class. I would love to share my knowledge of how these oils have helped our family stay above the wellness line. Local to Atlanta? Let's meet face to face. Out of town? Let's Skype. Contact me to set up a date/time.
Apartment Complex Training
Most community buildings have sufficient air filters to eliminate dust and particles from the air system. However, they cannot eliminate mold spores, germs, viruses and harmful toxic chemical fumes. Diffusing essential oils in your home can be very beneficial to support your immunity system and purify the air that you and your family are breathing. Plus, there is no fire involved with running a diffuser and therefore safer for all residents. If you would like a FREE essential oils class at your apartment or condo building, contact me to set up a date and time.
Office Wellness Program
It's a fact! Taking care of your body with clean, organic products in your home leads to less absenteeism for employees and school age children. I will gladly come to your office for your next Lunch and Learn and share how these amazing oils can improve the wellness level of your employees and their families. Contact me to set up a date and time!
School/Civic/Church Speaking Engagement
Do you need a speaker for your next meeting? Let me share how Young Living essential oils are making a HUGE impact on the health and wellness of people all over the globe. Contact me to set up a date and time!
My calendar is getting full but I want to make sure you get the date that works for you. Contact me TODAY!
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