Holiday decorating, parties, rich/sugary foods and drinks, entertaining, family tension, card writing, searching/buying/wrapping/shipping presents, inadequate sleep, picking the perfect tree....all this can wreak havoc on our minds and bodies.... HELLLLLP!
NingXia Red to the rescue!!! And it's super-duper easy!!!
NingXia Red (NR) is a powerful, nutritional health drink that includes wolfberries from China as well as other [antioxidant]-rich fruits. The antioxidants in NingXia Red are largely [polyphenols], which support cell functioning, and play a neuroprotective role in the brain.
NingXia Red’s astounding SOD (Superoxide Dismutases) score makes all other nutrient drinks pale in comparison. But why the concern and worry over free radicals? The reason is that the distresses and ailments of aging are hastened by the attack of free radicals on every cell in the body. So halt free radical damage and enjoy vibrant health for many more years!
There are 17 different wolfberries found around the world but Young Living uses the NingXia Wolfberry because it has the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value. Maybe that's why NingXia China has 400% more people aged 100+ y/o living in the Ningxia province than the rest of China. And these people live without canes to get around, glasses to see, and are overall very healthy. Just shows you how powerful this berry is and why we should all consume [NingXia wolfberries] daily.
NR is made up of 25% NingXia Wolfberry Puree. The puree includes the juice, pulp, and peel of the berries which contain calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, riboflavin (B2), and Vit C.
Check out the other incredible fruits that are included in each shot of NingXia Red to power you from the inside out!

* Grape seed extract – Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs are highly concentrated in grape seeds
* Orange Essential Oil (contains the antioxidant [d-limonene])
* Yuzu Essential Oil ([YouTube])
* Lemon Essential Oil (helps cleanse cells and organs)
* Tangerine Essential Oil (calms mind and [other benefits])
* Tartaric acid – The acid also plays a major role in wine-making where it is used during
the fermentation process for acidity adjustments to make for a more palate-pleasing
* Pure vanilla extract for flavor
* Malic acid – a component of almost all fruits — is commonly used as a food additive and preservative, but has several potential benefits. Great for boosting energy and maintaining healthy skin.
* Pectin – is a form of soluble fiber, which draws water from your digestive tract and forms a gel, helping to slow digestion.
* Natural stevia extract – is a sweetener and sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana. Has up to 150 times the sweetness of sugar.
* Sodium benzoate – Naturally found in fruits such as apples. Fruits produce it to prevent fermentation and spoiling. There is .00025% of Sodium Benzoate in NingXia Red. Far below the safe for consumption range and well below the legal limit of even having to label it on the package. The fact that Young Living includes it in the ingredient list when they don’t have to, shows how transparent Young Living is. And it is required by law to have Sodium Benzoate in this product.
NingXia Red is Halal and Kosher certified as well as vegetarian and vegan friendly.
NingXia Red can also provide:
* An added boost of energy by helping reduce stress and fatigue
* A stronger immune system to help your body fight what's lurking in the air
* Enhanced cellular functioning
* Improved eye health - the wolfberry has the highest source of carotenoids in all known foods. Beta-carotene is best known as a nutrient for the retina.
* Help heart/circulatory wellness
* Regulate metabolism and help with weight loss (+)
* Improve brain health and cognitive function
* Support for digestive health and wellness (+)
* Helps monitor cholesterol levels
* Improve skin health
* Improve quality of sleep
* Extra level of protection for your liver
(+) All of the berries in this formula are good sources of fiber, which promotes better digestion. They help move the food along the intestinal tract and cause more regular bowel movements. They may help eliminate symptoms like constipation and diarrhea. It also promotes satiety, which helps with weight loss.
NingXia Red is an extremely safe product. NR ingredients are 100% organic, and there are no chemical or artificial additives included. There are no risks or negative side effects associated with this product.
Treat children to this tasty drink instead of sugary sodas or juice cocktails. (Safe for children over 5 y/o.)
If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your doctor before consuming. But when you are finished, please begin your NingXia Red consumption again to help regulate your body.
This juice is potent!!! (+) I recommend starting with 1 ounce daily for the first 30 days then if you feel you need more support, increase it to 2 ounces... up to 4 ounces a day.
PRO TIP: I like to dilute my 1 ounce NR in an 8 oz stainless steel cup filled with water to make sure I'm also getting the water that my body needs. I also add it to our smoothies.
(+) ONE (1) oz of Ningxia Red has the antioxidant power of:
* 100 oranges, 814 blueberries, 22 carrots, 10 lbs of spinach, 59 broccoli florets, 73 strawberries, 93 apples, 34 large onions, 55 lbs of almonds
* 18 amino acids
* <1 g protein
* 22 trace minerals (helps the body perform its processes and functions in an efficient way)
* 7 mg of beta-carotene (180% of your daily Vit A requirements)
* vitamins B1, B6, 100% of B2 (riboflavin)
* 300% of your daily Vit C requirements
* 90% vitamin E
* 10% calcium
* 24% potassium
* 91% selenium
* 18% zinc
10 Ningxia Red Shot Recipes Your Body Needs Over The Holidays

Add more essential oils to your NingXia Red and increase the goodness for your body.
Check out these [recipes] from and give the holiday stress a punch AND a kick in the pants!
Click image above for a short video from Dr. Peter Minke. Right click on image to save to your computer.
Young Living [Sulfurzyme Powder] contains a unique blend of Ningxia wolfberry fruit powder and MSM, a dietary sulfur that bolsters the joints, aids the immune system, and helps support normal metabolic function, circulation, and bone, hair, and skin health. It can even help support recovery time of joints after exercise. it also contains a pre-biotic for gut wellness.*
Qualifies for FREE shipping and a 190pv Gift with Purchase.
Are you on Subscribe 2 Save? Then all you have to do is add the [NingXia Red Essential Reward bundle] (that is exclusively for S2S customers) to "Add To Subscription" and save $32.00!!!
Existing Customers Not On S2S? It's super easy to Subscribe and get $32.00 off. Just go to your account, search for NingXia Red Essential Reward Bundle and click "Add to Subscription" to get the discount. _But remember to change your subscription before next month's processing day or you'll get another bundle!_
New Customer? Click [HERE] then click "Add To Subscription" to get wholesale pricing AND special bundle pricing! _But remember to change your subscription before next month's processing day or you'll get another bundle!_

Then, over the next few months, change your cart to add these oils to "Add To Subscription" and continue to get wholesale pricing and super charge up your NingXia Red!
PRO TIP: Add a minimum of 50pv/month to your monthly subscription and earn Loyalty Rewards to redeem for free products that you chose!

Want to try Ningxia Red before you buy the Bundle? You can always just order 2 bottles or a 30 pack of NingXia Red (great for traveling) to your Subscription but the savings come with the bundle!
Are you ready to begin your Young Living lifestyle? I'd love to help you get the best start on your essential oil journey.
Click my [Referral Link] to begin an amazing adventure! Have questions? [Email] ( and we'll get them answered!
Click the image below for a digital ebook to start your oil journey.
